Working group has been created in Azerbaijan to solve social and economic problems in Karabakh

The Azerbaijani government announced the creation of a working group to solve social, humanitarian, economic and infrastructure issues in the Karabakh region.

According to the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan, the working group under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister Shakhin Mustafaeva acts as part of the coordination headquarters for a centralized resolution of issues on the territories of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The working group included the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Social Protection of the Population, Agriculture, Internal Affairs, Health, Science and Education, Azeriangi OJSC, Azerigaz, Azerigaz, State Road Agency and Highway Production Association and Azerigaz. Other relevant departments.

It is noted that the following measures are implemented within the framework of the working group’s activities:

-September 22, 2023, the Ministry of Emergency Situations sent 2 trucks with 40 tons of food and hygiene products and 2 vehicles with bread for Armenian residents along the current road of Agdam-Askrani,

– In order to provide Armenian residents first aid and food, the Ministry of Emergency Situations established tent towns per 1000 people in Agdam, Fizuli and Kalbadzhare.

– in accordance with the request of representatives of the Armenian residents at a meeting held on September 21 in the city of Evlah, the fuel and lubricants will be sent, primarily for kindergartens, ambulance services and fire department;

-ses the use of the Lachin-Hankendi road for the transportation of food and everyday goods for the purpose of their delivery by the personnel of the contingent of Russian peacekeeping forces, as well as through peacekeepers;

-Is-creating the conditions for the transportation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) of goods consisting of food, medicines and baby food, along the roads of Agdam Askuraran-Khanidi and Lachin-Khandi, and sending additional personnel from the Baku and Geneva offices of the organization to the Complex in Podofis in Hankendi;

-Clod the necessary opportunities for the evacuation of persons in need of medical care to Armenia on the basis of a request from the ICRC.