Yakov Berkun tells haqqin.az: how Israel almost won Covid-19

Israel, who was able to promcation more than half of its population in a short time, now reaps the fruits of victory over Makeid. So, in any case, most Israeli doctors consider. In the country, hotels, malls, restaurants, fitness centers, concert halls, etc. were opened in the country. The Israeli airports came to life, and the Israelites were able to travel abroad. And the whole world in the meantime, it is intensely observed – the Israel will be proof or, on the contrary, the destruction of hopes for the cessation of a pandemic by forming collective immunity through mass vaccination.

How a critical negative situation with Cakes can be paid to an optimistic favorable Haqqin.az told the Israeli professor Yakov Berkun, a leading specialist in the field of pediatrics and diseases of the immune system, head of the department of the University Medical Center “Hadassa”, the clinical base of the Jewish Medical Faculty of Medicine University in Jerusalem.

– You can already congratulate you on the victory over COVİD-19 and the fact that this infection no longer threatens the health of the Israelis?

– I believe that the relative victory over the Covid is still obsessed. Theoretically, if they do not penetrate some mutated strains, the pandemic can be considered eliminated. But Israel has not yet returned to the fullender of the daily working life. Precautions, such as wearing masks, remain. There are certain restrictions in the educational process. In the country about 9.5 million people, and more than half vaccinated. Vaccination is carried out from 16 years of age. Grafs 87% of people from risk groups, i.e. older than 50 years and certain professions.

certain restrictions remain in educational institutions. Training is carried out on the principle of capsules, that is, classes are divided not small groups where no more than four teachers teach. The occupation directly in schools takes place only 3 days a week, on the other days – online, remotely. Practically opened cafes, restaurants, bars, shopping centers, cinemas, concert halls, gyms, etc.

The so-called “green passport” has already been introduced – a document indicating that the person is vaccinated. His owners are missing everywhere without restrictions. And unqualified or in general, or they should have a certificate of negative test on the Cowid, which was held no later than 2-3 days. Only in this case, the undacitated can visit these objects. But since most grafted, the adult population of these restrictions almost does not feel. For example, the gym, which I attend, works in my usual mode, but there are only people with a “green passport”.