As result of shelling of Ukrainian Kharkov, six people were killed

The number of those who died as a result of strikes in the Kharkov region of Ukraine on Thursday, May 23, increased to six people.

“Previously: 6 dead, 11 wounded,” wrote the head of the Kharkov regional military administration Oleg Sinegubov in Telegram.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, commenting on explosions in Kharkov, said that behind the next attack on Kharkov and Lyubotin is the lack of the required number of air defense systems and the possibilities for defense forces to destroy launchers near his borders.

“An extremely cruel Russian attack against Kharkov and Lyubotin – according to preliminary data, immediately 15 missiles. Unfortunately, there are killed and injured. Emergency services are already at the hollows of the hits, and each victim will be provided,” the president wrote in telegram .

According to him, Russian troops “use the fact that Ukraine is still deprived of sufficient defense of the air defense and reliable opportunity to destroy the launchers exactly where they are”.

“And this weakness is not our weakness, but the world, which has not decided to treat terrorists for the third year exactly as they deserve it,” Zelensky said.