Bloomberg: Ukraine will have to move away from Bakhmut and wait for tanks

In the USA, Ukraine is advised to pull the time waiting for new weapons. You will also have to move away from the city of Bakhmut, where fierce battles have been going on in recent months to collect resources for a spring offensive. This is informed by Bloomberg.

“According to the official, the United States advises the Ukrainian forces to drag out time to allow tanks and other weapons to arrive. In order to collect resources for a spring offensive in the south, Ukraine may also have to withdraw its troops from the eastern city of Bakhmut, American and American and US troops and the American ones and the American ones. European officials, having awarded Russia a symbolic victory, ”writes the newspaper.

It is noted that the retreat from Bakhmut will not have a significant strategic effect on the war. According to a senior American official, Ukrainian troops are likely to establish defensive lines very close to the place where the front line is now taking place.

It is expected that Russia will advance from Bakhmut to Slavyansk and Kramatorsk: “Its troops are unlikely to be able to capture the entire eastern part of the Donetsk region in the near future, given the enormous size of the territory.”

If Ukraine concentrates in the south in spring and summer, it will be able to open opportunities around Crimea, since the Russian military will be cut off from supplies. At the same time, Russia may try to push the Ukrainian forces as far away as possible to the north, away from the Crimea. A senior American official said that Ukraine is unlikely to be able to return Crimea in the near future.

Nevertheless, if Ukraine manages to regain the territory in the south in the Melitopol region and divide the Russian borders between Crimea and the east of the country until the end of summer, Kyiv will create the ground for several difficult months for Putin and its troops. The interlocutors of the publication believe that the war will probably drag on until 2024.