China warned Seoul and Tokyo against revival of Cold War mentality

China calls for Japan and South Korea to withstand the revival of the “Cold War’s mentality.” This was stated by the Foreign Ministry of the PRC Van and on the forum in cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea in the Chinese port city of Tsindao.

The heads of the Japanese and South Korean Foreign Ministry – Yoshimas Hayashi and Pak Chin performed at the opening ceremony of the event.

According to Van and, the countries of the region should maintain cooperation and avoid influence from the outside. “Based on the geopolitical motives, one of the large powers (present in view of the United States – ed.) Outside the region, it deliberately exaggerated our ideological disagreements, tried to replace cooperation with confrontation, and unity – a split,” he said.

He warned that the further increase in this trend would seriously interfere with the development of cooperation between the three countries, and would also entail the escalation of tension and confrontation in the region.

According to the Chinese Daily Global Times, during the event the diplomat noted that “Europeans and Americans are not able to distinguish between Chinese, Koreans and Japanese.”

“Regardless of how yellow you have dyed your hair or how you changed your nose, you will never turn into a European or American, you will never become a resident of the West. We should know where our roots are located,” are given The words of the minister.