Contribution of new oil field to Turkish economy will be $ 2.9 billion – Kalay

The opening of a new oil deposit in the area of ​​the Judy Mountains and the Gabar in the Southeast Province of Shirnak will fundamentally change the situation in the domestic market of Turkey. This forecast in an interview with Anadolu was shared by the head of the Association of Oil and Gas Platforms of Turkey Murat Kalai.

Kalai noted that oil production at a new deposit in the Shirnak province will presumably amount to 100 thousand barrels per day, which is fraught with a contribution to the development of the economy in the amount of $ 2.9 billion. “According to official figures that 100 wells will be drilled at the field, and production will reach 100 thousand barrels per day. Of course, it will not be possible to bring the prey to this level immediately. It will require phased work,” he said.

Kalai recalled the discovery of another large oil deposit last year in Turkey, called the Esma Chevik, which made it possible to bring the production of black gold in the country to 80 thousand barrels per day. “Already after 2-3 years, thanks to the deposit in Shirnak, mining will reach 150-180 thousand barrels. Thus, Turkey will be able to provide about 20 percent of internal demand due to its own resources,” the head of the association stated.


This will contribute to the growth of investments in the Turkish economy, he is sure.