Crew of Chinese ship “Shenzhou-15” made fourth exit to outer space

Cosmonauts of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft, who are on board the Chinese Space station Tiangun, completed their fourth exit to outer space, the CMSA piloted cosmonautics program (CMSA) reported.

Fei Zyunlun and Zhang Lu with the assistance of Deng Zinmin, who was inside the space station, and the support commands on Earth jointly completed all the tasks set on Saturday. After that, Fei Zyunlun and Zhang Lu safely returned to the Wennyan laboratory module.

Since the launch of the Shanzhou-15 Chinese ship, the crew of the Chinese ship, consisting of three astronauts, has successfully made four exits into outer space, setting a record for the number of exits to the outdoor space for one crew.

During the implementation of immoral activities within the framework of four outputs into outer space, they installed several units of equipment, including expanded sets of extra-rotten pumps, intermodial cables and auxiliary devices for an immoral payload platform, which laid the basis for subsequent large-scale scientific and technical experiments Outside the space station, reported in CMSA.