Dragon capsule with Axiom-3 crew is raised on board ground services

Dragon capsule with the AXIOM-3 crew (AX-3), including the Turkish astronaut of the Alper Goseravja, is raised on board ground services.

Axiom Space company conducted a direct broadcast of the process of returning the AX-3 crew to Earth.

SpaceX Dragon capsule with the AX-3 crew is raised on board ground services after landing in the ocean off the coast of Florida, USA.

The AX-3 crew left the International Space Station (ISS) on February 7 at 17.20.

Dragon capsule with the AX-3 crew, which includes Goseravji, was successfully launched from the Kennedy cosmodrome in Florida on January 18, 16.49 (January 19 00.49 local time of the United States).

AX-3 crew, the flight of which lasted about 36 hours, reached the ISS on January 20.