European Union has many more sanctions against Russia

A package of European Union sanctions against Russia is the “most complete, powerful package of restrictive measures” that has ever been taken in the EU and is aimed at the critical sectors of the Russian economy and the technological sector. The Supreme Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrel said this in an interview with Radio.

editor of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Ricard Yozvyak asked Borallere whether it could be excluded that this winter will be new sanctions against the Russian Federation, whether the EU sanctions were exhausted. “No, he will never be exhausted,” Borrel answered. “You know, this is the case of member states to put even more proposals on the table for discussion.”

Russia, according to the European diplomat, more than 40% depends on Europeans in the issue of high technology. “New oil and gas fields cannot be developed without our technical support,” Borrel emphasized.