Ganja: patient’s relatives beat a nurse in hospital

In Ganja, the patient’s relatives beat a caring for a patient with a nurse, reports Report.

The incident occurred in the city hospital No. 1 named after Abbas Sahhat. 31-year-old Tamara Aliyeva, working in this hospital with a nurse, was beaten by the patient’s relatives and received various bodily harm.

So, one of the patients undergoing treatment in the hospital was hospitalized in the intensive care unit due to deterioration. At this time, the patient’s relatives tried to get into this department. However, the hospital’s employees told them that unauthorized persons were not allowed to enter the intensive care unit.

Despite this, they did not want to leave the department and said that they would wait there. Seeing this, T. Aliyeva entered the elevator to call the guard. At that time, two women and a man entered the elevator with her and beat her in the elevator.

Currently, a nurse, who has received various bodily harm, is treating in the hospital where it works. In this regard, a complaint was filed with the police. In the Main Directorate of the Police of the city of Ganja, an investigation is being conducted.