How many nuclear warheads in US arsenal?

The United States of America has 12 different power and delivery systems with nuclear ammunition as part of the strategic and tactical forces, transfers Interfax with reference to the National Nuclear Security Administration data (NNSA).

It is noted that the average age of the warhead is 27.4 years.

In particular, the MINUTEMAN III Ballistic Ballistic Rocket Rockets is equipped with W78 warheads (335 kiloton) and W87 (capacity of up to 475 kiloton). On the ballistic missiles of Trident II D5, consisting in service with 14 strategic nuclear submarines of the OHIO class, the W76-1 blocks (100 kiloton), W76-2 (with a capacity of 5 to 8 kilotonn) and W88 (475 kiloton) are installed.

B-52H and B-2 strategic bombers have in their arsenal of air bibles and winged rockets with nuclear warheads B61-7, B61-11 and W80-1, the power of which ranges from 0.3 to 400 kilotonne, as well as B83 aerial bomb -1 – the most powerful in the US in 1.2 megatons.

In US Air Force warehouses in Europe – Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey – also placed at least 100 tactical nuclear airbabers B61-3 and B61-4 with a capacity of 0.3 to 340 kilotons intended for use by American fighters F-15, F-16, as well as United States Allied Aviation on NATO at the European Theater of Military Action.