In Turkish Kilis, construction of houses for needs of distress zone continues

In the Turkish province of Kilis, who suffered among others from destructive earthquakes on February 6, the construction of houses for the needs of the housing of Turkish citizens who lost housing.

Construction work is carried out under the control of the TOKİ management under the Ministry of Environment, Urban Planning and Climate Change in Turkey.

At the first stage, it is planned to commission 645 three- and four-story houses in Kilis. The new residential town is equipped with a parking lot for 506 cars.

The construction engineer Ziya Alpai, in an interview with Anadol, said that the construction process in Kilis started on March 3 on behalf of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Construction work is carried out by an increased rate without days off.

According to him, the first stage of houses is planned to be completed by December 24 of this year. “Construction uses high -quality building materials. The foundation is rocky breeds, which contributes to seismic resistance,” Alpai stated.

He noted that at the subsequent stage another town for 1098 buildings will be built. “Separate roads will lead to the new housing estates. In general, residents of the distress zone are planned to transfer keys to 1743 houses,” the engineer said.

more than 50 thousand inhabitants of Turkey became victims of earthquakes with the epicenter in the Turkish Kazakhmanmarash.