Italy deprived Mikhail Mishustin of state award

Italian authorities deprived of state awards of four Russian officials because of the war in Ukraine, reports Corrierre Della Sera.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Minister of Trade and Industry Denis Manturov deprived the award of the Cavalier of the Great Cross of the Order of the Star of Italy with the wording “For Uplability”.

The Order of the Star is one of the highest awards for civilians. This Order is celebrated by Italians, as well as foreign citizens for their contribution to the development of Italian friendly relations with other countries.

also the president of VTB Bank Andrei Kostin and the deputy minister of industry, Viktor Yevtukhov, was deprived of the state award of the commander of the Order of the Star of Italy. The corresponding decrees were signed by President Sergio Mattarell on the proposal of Foreign Minister Luigi di Mayo.

These are the first insignia that have been deprived of Russian citizens since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.