Japan introduces a state of emergency

Japan every other day after the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games introduced even eight prefectures in a state of emergency due to the increasing number of cases of coronavirus infection, the Japanese channel NHK channel reports on Wednesday.

The Minister of Combating COVID-19 Nisimura Yasoumos reported that more than 20 thousand new cases of COVID-19 are recorded daily, which indicates the distribution of the country’s extremely infectious strain “Delta”. He also noted that the number of serious patients has reached a record level, and medical services experience a huge load.

In this regard, the expert advisory group approved the plan of the Government of Japan to disseminate the emergency regime for another eight prefectures. Measures will take effect from Friday. It is planned that in all the prefectures in which the emergency imposed, it will last until September 12.

Emergency limits the sale of alcohol with restaurants and bars and requires them to close before the laid, and also calls people to work out of the house and avoid access to the street without need. Earlier, a state of emergency was introduced in 13 prefectures of Japan.