Lokbatan: teenager struck a knife injury to a man because of lot of Guli

In the village of Lokbatan of the Garadagh district, Baku, a knife wounded a stranger man due to the lot of Guli. The incident occurred in September last year, about two weeks after the Guli Lot (Nadir Salifov) was shot dead in one of the hotels of the Turkish city of Antalya in his nearest environment of Hagan Zeynalov on nicknamed Khan Baku.

In the Baku Court of Grave Crimes, the trial of the criminal case against I. Gasanova (2003), suspected of an attempt to intentic human murder, was completed. In the process, a sentence was read, according to which the accused was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of eight years.

The incident occurred on September 4, 2020 at 23:30 on the street of Seimur Orujev in the village of Lokbatan Garadagsky district. A resident of the village, minor I. Hasanov on the basis of the conflict inflicted a knife wound with Oleg Yibaekov (1981). The wounded was taken to the hospital, his life was able to save.

Hasanov on the same day was detained. In relation to him, accusations were made under articles 29, 120.2.2 (intentional killing of a person) and 221.3 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

During the trial of Hasanov, he said that O.Yenibeks during the incident was drunk, began to talk about criminal authorities. According to Hasanov, the victim insulted the Azerbaijani “thief in law” Nadir Salifova. And because Hasanov struck him with a folding knife in the throat and abdomen.

Note that Father Hasanova, Bayram Gasanov, in 2010 was sentenced to 11 years in prison for killing the test. Soon he must come out of prison. It seems that now the Son will replace his father in prison …