Ministry of Defense of Armenia and India signed plan for cooperation for 2024-2025

In the capital of Armenia Yerevan, a plan of cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of Armenia and India for 2024-2025 was signed with the participation of officials.

This meeting was the “first official consulting meeting” between the Ministry of Defense of the two countries, the Armenian Ministry of Defense said.

The Cooperation Plan for 2024-2025 was signed in Yerevan Levon Aivazyan, Head of the Department of Defense Policy and International Cooperation of Armenia, and the United Secretary for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of India in the Vishawed Negy.

During the meeting, the current state of cooperation between Armenia and India in the field of military technologies and training, the prospects for its development, and also decided to create a joint working group.

were discussed.

– military cooperation between Armenia and India

In September 2022, Yerevan ordered PINAKA multi -barrels, anti -tank missiles and ammunition in the amount of about $ 245 million, as well as 4 mobile radar complexes Swathi in the amount of 40 million dollars.

Armenia also ordered 90 advanced towed artillery systems (ATAGS) from India in 2022 in the amount of $ 155.5 million, and the first batch of 6 155-mm towed howitzers was delivered in August 2023.

Yerevan also acquired from the Indian company Zen Anti-Drone System (Zads) systems of protection against unmanned aerial vehicles in the amount of $ 41 million and a tactical howitzer system on a wheel of 155 millimeters/39 Marg, developed by the Indian Kalyani Strategic Systems.