President of Moldova: Our path with Romania is common – our place together in EU

Romania is a pillar of resistance of the Republic of Moldova and the most ardent protector of its European path.

This is stated in the congratulatory appeal of the President of Moldova Maya Sandu to the Romanians around the world on the occasion of the National Day of Romania, Moldipers reports with reference to the presidential press service.

“Romania is loved in Moldova for constant help, but, first of all, for the fact that we are united by a language conveyed with love with our parents, a story from which we learn a lot of dignity lessons, and a culture that builds the most durable bridges Romania is loved here for what she does, but mainly for what she is. And I know that they love Moldova in Romania, ”said Sandu.

The head of state noted that Romania for many years loved Moldova unconditionally, not expecting laurels and benefits.

“Like any true love, Romania did not scream about it, did not beat herself in the chest, but showed it regardless of circumstances,”- follows from the text.

The president emphasized that the neighboring and friendly country gave Moldova the light literally when its citizens needed the most in it, helped modernize the settlements of the country, save people on the left bank of the Prut through the Smurd ambulance service and offered first aid to first aid in time of the pandemic crisis.

In addition, Maya Sandu emphasized that not only a long list of assistance provided by Moldova causes deep gratitude in the country, but also the confidence that you can always count on Romania.

“We look at her with hope when we need her, and as a milestone in our desire to join the EU. And Romania looks at us with the confidence that we will achieve success on the chosen path,” Sandu said.

The head of state also said that the two countries are connecting not only the general past, but also the future.

Moldova and Romania unites the desire to build a fair and healthy society for citizens to become stronger together, the president believes.

“Our path is common, our place together in the European Union. We know that Romania is with us, and this helps us to be confident in the future, no matter what great trials we have passed. Happy birthday to all those who feel like a Romanian He says in Romanian and loves Romania! ” – concluded President Maya Sandu.