Putin: relations between Russia and China are not conjunctural and are not directed against anyone

China is the main partner of Russia in the trade and economic sphere. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the chairman of China Xi Jinping.

“Russia, according to the results of last year, reached the fourth place in the list of countries – trading partners of the PRC. A role in this was directly played by the results of your visit to Moscow in March 2023 – a plan for the development of key directions of Russian -Chinese economic cooperation before 2030. Kremlin’s site.

According to the Russian leader, the fact that the relations of Russia and China are not conjunctural and are not directed against anyone.

“Our cooperation in world affairs today is one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena. Together we defend the principles of justice and democratic world order that reflects multipolar realities and founded on international law,” the president said.

Putin indicated that Russia and China are successfully interacting into the UN, BRICS, SCO, as well as in the Group of Twenty.

Putin, at the invitation of the chairman of the PRC, Xi Jinping arrived in the People’s People’s Republic with a two -day state visit.

In the House of People’s Meetings in Beijing, a conversation between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping took place. Then the Russian-Chinese negotiations continued in an expanded composition. The issues of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction were discussed, an exchange of views on topical international and regional problems took place. In general, Putin’s visit to China will last two days. On May 17, the President of the Russian Federation will arrive in Harbin. This is the first visit of the Russian president abroad after the inauguration.