Russia, terrorism and authoritarian states declared main threats to NATO

NATO displays a threat from Russia, international terrorism, authoritarian states and non-state players. This is stated in the head of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the North Atlantic Agreement on Tuesday, RIA Novosti reports.

“The Alliance faces growing threats and systemic competition. Russian aggressive actions pose a threat to Euro-Atlantic security, terrorism in all forms and manifestations is a threat to all. Aggressive and authoritarian states, as well as non-governmental players challenge the international world order based on the rules, Including with the help of hybrid and cyber threats. The COVID-19 pandemic also testifies that we are faced with constantly changing challenges. NATO will continue to adapt to them, “the document says.

It emphasizes the importance of the close interaction of the US and European countries – NATO members, “loyalty to the 5th article of the Washington Treaty” which defines the principle of collective security of the Alliance, as well as the obligation of all NATO countries to increase their military spending.