Russian Federation and China will actively cooperate in order to strengthen security in Persian Gulf

Russia and China will actively cooperate in order to strengthen security in the Persian Gulf region. This is stated in a joint statement on the deepening partnership signed by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of China Xi Jinping.

“The parties will actively interact in the interests of strengthening security in the Persian Gulf area and promote the countries of the region in strengthening mutual trust and implementation of sustainable development,” the document says, the text of which is given by Russian media.

“The parties intend to further jointly promote the principal approaches to build an open world economy, to promote regional integration in the Asia-Pacific region (Asia-Pacific region), liberalization and simplification of trade and investment, stabilization and unhindered functioning of transboundary production and dosage chains, digitalization, digitalization, digitalization. The “green” transition and sustainable development of the Asia -Pacific region in the interests of the prosperity of its peoples, ”the document says.

Russia and China also praised cooperation within the group of twenty and confirmed the intention to “continue joint steps on this site in order to promote inclusive and mutually beneficial processes of economic globalization.” The parties called for the reform of the global management system in order to increase the representation of the Global South states in it.

In addition, Russia and China ”recognize the important role of the organization of the Treaty on the Collective Security and the Commonwealth of Independent States in ensuring regional stability, including the fight against international terrorism, illegal production and drug trafficking, organized crime and other cross -border challenges and threats,” – indicated in the document.

Russia and China also expressed concern to the consequences of the implementation of the Aukus defense alliance agreements – Australia, Great Britain and the United States – for security in the Asia -Pacific region (APR).