Scientists have successfully experienced a “killer” cancer cells

Scientists from the Edinburgh University successfully experienced a drug capable of killing cancer cells without damaging healthy fabrics located nearby. This was reported to the newspaper Evening Standard.

As you know, cancer cells need more energy than healthy. Specialists were combined by the Senbd molecule with a chemical food connection to force her malignant cells to “absorb her”, without suspecting a destructive effect.

Senbd is a photosensitizer – it kills the cells only when light. This means that the surgeon can determine when to activate the drug, which reduces the possibility of damage to healthy tissues and the likelihood of side effects.

The authors of the experiment compared the drug with the Trojan Kone. It emphasizes that it is necessary to carry out additional tests of its safety.

SENBD is one of the smallest ever created photosensitizers, and its use as a “Trojan horse” opens up a lot of new opportunities in interventional medicine to destroy malignant cells without influencing those surrounding healthy fabrics, “said Mark Vendrell leader .