Selchuk Bayraktar announces newest drone fighter

After the viewing ceremony of the unmanned aircraft Baykar Akıncı Attack, the head of Baykar Technology Selchuk Baykar told reporters about the company’s future plans, what they work.

How to write Turkish media, Bayraktar announced the creation of a unmanned combat aircraft, work on it in full swing. The company plan to make the first flight of a new unmanned fighter in 2022.

“in Baykar Akıncı Attack more than 100 computers, we have been designed themselves. When creating an unmanned combat aircraft, they will be used. Their software will change to a certain extent, and they will fly differently.”

Selchuk Bayraktar explained that Bayraktar TB3 will be more in size than TB2, but it will be able to land and take off from ships with short running stripes.

“We design the fuselage. Side computers will be transferred from TB2. Software will be adapted. Some systems will also be transferred from Akıncı. The engine will be used from domestic developments. This engine is important for the performance of TB3,” the designer said.