“Sustier and healthier”: In India, prisoners refused to go out of prisons

In Nine Prisons of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, more than 20 prisoners did not take advantage of parole. In their opinion, during a pandemic to stay in prison safer, because foods needed, the necessary drugs and regularly conduct medical examinations, writes “Lenta.ru” with reference to India Today.

The petition of the UDO filed 21 prisoners, however, having received official confirmation, they refused this opportunity due to the situation of COVID-19. Convicted are confident that being in prison “safer and healthier” than freedom.

The head of the Indian prison system Anand Kumar stressed that the prisoners expressed their wishes in writing, in line with the requirements, so their position should be “taken and respect”.

In early May, the Supreme Court of India decided to unload prisons because of the “unprecedented burst” of Coronavirus. From this point on, 11.5 thousand convicts were released in the country.