All us news and updates

In eight cities of Kazakhstan, high level of air pollution was noted
Poland asks for US interference in issue of supplies of Korean ammunition to Ukraine
Boat with illegal migrants sank off coast of Tunisia
Norway said 15 employees of Embassy of Russian Federation by persons non grata
Ukrainian “Naftogaz” announced decision of court to pay Russia over $ 5 billion
RF, Iran, China and Pakistan called United States to lift sanctions against Afghanistan
Astana: an exhibition was opened on topic: “The lands of Kazakhstan on maps of world”
First cruise liner of season moored to shores of Turkish Marmaris
Latvia wants to use Estonian LNG Terminal for energy security
FSB: There are Pentagon and NATO behind cyber attacks from Ukraine against Russian Federation
Türkiye is one of leading European countries in field of robotic surgery
Export of related sectors of Turkish auto industry exceeded $ 3.6 billion for 3 months
In Poland, they honor memory of victims of Katyn tragedy
Samarkand discuss situation in Afghanistan
Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia are making large bet on industrial sphere
Foreign Minister of Ukraine: It’s time to turn Black Sea into NATO Sea
Oil is getting cheaper for fears about oil demand
Baku: Armenia should provide Azerbaijan with accurate maps of minefields
Moscow talked about “systemic problems” of grain transaction
Head of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey explained successful fight against drug trafficking
Baku called Paris to refuse to support provocations of Armenia
10 people were killed in Mexico in shootout of gangs
Joe Biden: It is necessary to continue to reduce costs for families
Leaders of Turkey and Uzbekistan discussed state of relations between countries
Turkish struggle against Fetö is an example of imitation for whole freedom -loving world
Leader of Uzbekistan personally tested Turkish electric car Togg
Zakharova: London “will not get away” supply to Kyiv ammunition with implements uranium
Türkiye began gas supply to Bulgaria
Forest fires threaten one of the coastal cities of South Korea
Uzbekistan to issue consumer loans for imported goods
New Jersey imam stabbed during prayer
President Lula visits flood-hit Brazilian state
Peru: passenger bus fell into ravine: 10 dead
Magnitude 4 earthquake shakes southeast Turkey
Prospects for the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Balkan Region Cooperation Format
Russian ambassador is threatening
Megatourm for gangsters
Americans will leave Russians without toasters, phones, coffee machines
Special representative of European Union told why he arrived in Yerevan
Commander -in -Chief of Armed Forces promises to return Mariupol this year
Baroness Cox got into scandal
Tens of thousands of Israelis again reached protests
Prigozhin suggested “catching, teaching and sending” to war son -in -law Shoigu
Norway threatened Georgia
Participants of meeting of G20 in India did not agree because of Russia and China
Canada imposed sanctions against year of Nisanov and Medvedev family
Turkey: mayor of most affected by earthquakes of city was detained
Commander Ksir: “We want to kill Trump and Pompeo”