US Secretary of State: future of world will be determined in Africa

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the future of the world will largely depend on future Africa.

According to Blinken, in this regard, the United States pay great attention to relations with the Continent countries.

“The future of the world will be determined to a very large extent in Africa. Until 2050, every fourth citizen of the planet will be an African, and until 2025, 50% of the population of Africa will be 25 years or less. Therefore, the future is very specifically resolved in Africa,” said Secretary of State.

Blinken also noted that the United States is trying to establish stronger partnerships with Africa countries and work together to overcome calls, including more actively fighting climatic changes and consequences of coronavirus pandemia.

“Thus, for us this is not at all a question about imposing a choice, but to give the choice of Africa to the countries, our agenda is very positive for such a future,” the diplomat noted.