Zakharova criticized “call” of NATO Secretary General to allow blows to territory of Russian Federation

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova criticized the call of the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg on the removal of restrictions on the blows of Ukraine on objects on Russian territory.

“Stoltenberg urged NATO countries to remove restrictions on the blows of the Kyiv regime on objects throughout Russia. It is useful for everyone who is called the allegedly” peaceful conference “in Switzerland,” the diplomat wrote in her Telegram channel.

Earlier in her post on the social network, Zakharova called the peace conference in Ukraine in Switzerland “Another info”.

as for the mentioned (head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine) Kuleboy “The Summit of the World” in Switzerland, this is the next voil, invented by the US State Department. And everyone understands this. How can the “peaceful conference” of those who are allegedly with pacifist initiatives delivers weapons to the conflict zone? ”, Wrote the diplomat.

At the same time, she drew attention to the words of the EU Supreme EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Boar, “that the cessation of the supply of the Kyiv arms regime will complete the bloodshed in a couple of weeks.” “This is the real“ formula of the world, ”Zakharova believes.