All russia news and updates

“DNR” declares fights on border with Russia
Lavrov and Chavushoglu will meet in Antalya
European Union has completed work on sanctions against Russia
US has prepared sanctions against Russian banks
Russia announced a massive shelling from Ukraine
Makron proposed to hold Putin’s Summit and Biden. They agreed
French media learned that Macron and Putin were repeatedly convened per day
Biden 15 minutes secretly spoke with Macron
Announced conversation of Erdogan with Putin
Putin and Macron decided how to stop escalation of conflict in Ukraine
Ambassador Antonov: Russia does not plan to “invasion” to Ukraine and says Donbass and Lugansk Ukrainian
Washington is concerned about decision of Moscow and Minsk
Moscow accused Paris in leakage of information after negotiation
Macron called Zelensky after negotiations with Putin
Kremlin: Russia never attacked anyone
Days of Azerbaijan begins in Moscow
Bulgarian TV channel stated Bayden by President of Russia
Putin and Macron negotiations
“Oomikron” predicted eternal life with man
West considers that he cannot forever offer Russia “Olive Branch”
European Union did not believe statements of Donetsk separatists
In Russia, they announced 40 thousand refugees from “DPR” and “LNR”
London stated about “the worst scenario that may happen next week”
Zelensky explained tragedy of Ukraine and Russia
In case of sanctions: 50 tons of dollars were brought to Russia
Biden convenes Council of National Security due to Ukraine
Vucich: Serbia will never enter NATO and continue to cooperate with Russia and China
Biden is ready to meet with Putin
Blinken: statements of Russian authorities are offensive
Blinken: To meet with Lavrov, you need Russia to attack Ukraine
NATO Secretary General meets world leaders at Munich Security Conference
And France called on their citizens to leave Ukraine
Vladimir Zelensky threatened to get out of Budapest Memorandum
NATO Secretary General: there is no real security in Europe without strong transatlantic bond
Gustry on accumulation of trucks in Azerbaijani-Russian border
Armenians fired by positions of Azerbaijani army in KhojaVend
Zelensky and Johnson agreed to coordinate further steps
Pentagon head: conflict in Ukraine is not inevitable
Rospotrebnadzor asks not to place refugees from Donbass in tourist parts of Russia
Russia will discuss Platform Aliyev and Erdogan with Georgia
Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine in an interview with HAQQIN.AZ: “Our task is to return occupied territories”
NATO calls for Russia to take troops from borders of Ukraine
Important statements by Hulusi Akar on conflict between Ukraine and Russia
“Krasuha” against “Baiktatar”: situation is rapidly sharpened on line of contact
Near Russian-Ukrainian border broke projectile
In Rostov region introduced State of Emergency due to situation in Donbas
In “DNR” declared universal mobilization
Ministry of Defense denied Armenian disinformation