All kazakhstan news and updates

Nazarbayev offered to invite Azerbaijan to Eurasian Union
Protect Women’s Rights in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan: canceled mandatory use of Russian in advertising
Native of USSR Omarova refused to high in American Ministry of Finance
Representatives of CSTO familiarized themselves with mission of Armenian peacekeepers in Lebanon
Kazakhstan and United States will cooperate in field of defense
Nazarbayev told you for respecting Putin
Nursultan Nazarbayev Oliver Stone: “US should applaud Russia in Karabakh”
Nazarbayev believes that collapse of USSR was predetermined
30 years old disintegration of USSR: Nazarbayev explained quarrel of Gorbachev and Yeltsin
Nazarbayev told Oliver Stone why he did not recognize Crimea Russian
Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination closes one hundred and fifth session after adopting concluding observations
Committee against Torture Discusses Follow-up to Concluding Observations, Follow-up to Individual Communications, and Reprisals
Armenia: accuses Caski, Batka and Kazakhstan
Lack of dollars in banks of Kazakhstan
Azerbaijan explained his programs of social support
Representatives of Ministry of Health at WHO Project Meeting in Moscow
Tackle Central Asia Rights Abuses: EU
Russia and Tajikistan will solve challenges of air defense together
Vagit Alekperov agrees to increase share in Shaudeniz
Sweden: court began in case of rollers to Azerbaijani ex-officials for $ 100 million
Visiting Kazakhstan, World Bank Vice President Pledges Continued Support to Key Reforms, Resilient Recovery
Azal Opens flights from Baku to Almaty
Announced a death rate rating from COVID-19 in countries of former USSR
Moscow began a meeting of Council of Ministers of Defense CIS countries
Heads of Kazakhstani companies turned to Aliyev: “The victory of Azerbaijan is subject of pride of all Turks”
Unexpected praise from Kurban Berdieva: “Karabakh” is stronger than winners of Madrid “Real”
“live” vaccine from Covid-19 passed preliminary tests
“Karabakh” is visiting “Kairat”: in step from historical success
Azerbaijani youth at Nobel Festival
World Health Organization Secretariat announcement regarding election of next WHO Director-General
Deputy Goodrat Gasanguliev proposed to postpone capital of Azerbaijan from Baku in Agdam
It revealed how many persons from first persons of Russia are immigrants from Azerbaijan
Kazakhstan: vaccinated will be sent to Maldives
Kharkov: a monument to Akhundov
Plane flew from Baku faced with a car in Almaty
Smokers in Azerbaijan spend 30% of annual income on cigarettes
Best countries for pensioners
Gurbanov Gurbanov about Kurban Berdyev and Match with “Kairat”
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women Opens Eightieth Session
Azerbaijan opened another for 23 countries
Neqsol Holding will support ADA University project to restore Gazakh Seminary
Armenia: stated Pashinyan “Zaper outside country”, who is indigrant of his corona Russian and ignorance of diplomatic etiquette
Most of all among foreigners real estate in Azerbaijan acquire citizens of Russia
Skandal on match of Serbia – Azerbaijan: UEFA took flags from fans
Telecom-operators of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
Putin called and Azerbaijani special services
Putin will meet with heads of special services CIS countries