Former one-patellite about Ali Aliyev: “Controls as a dictator”

Deputy Chairman of the Party “Citizens and Development” Al Alira Shirmamedov left her ranks a few days ago. The reason for the resignation of Shirmamedov called the “dictatorial leadership” by the chairman of Ali Aliyev. The politician noted that he had a lot of disagreements with Aliyev in this soil.

Local media Shirmamedov reported that the petition of resignation filed three months ago: “My departure from the party is due to disagreements in our political views. In general, Ali Aliyev worked together for 30 years. In fact, we created Amip, the first after the collapse of the Soviet Union The socio-political party in Azerbaijan. Ali, etibars and I worked together. I note that it was the first officially registered party in Azerbaijan. We have always been together. I think I resigned in accordance with my beliefs and age. Issues on this A lot may occur as a whole. In fact, on September 15, I orally addressed the powers of the deputy for organizational issues and was waiting for the official confirmation for three months. “

Shirmamedov added that he and Ali Aliyev did not agree on management issues: “In general, I would say, although it will sound roughly, that he wants to manage the party as a dictator.”

Former deputy chairmen of “citizens and development” noted that it does not plan to join any other batch.