All armenia news and updates

Tripartite summit of Aliyev, Putin and Pashinyan began in Moscow
Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan has no territorial claims to Armenia
Putin: Cooperation within framework of Eurasian Union continues to strengthen
Pashinyan: Free Trade Agreement of EAEU and Iran is priority for Yerevan
Bishkek will host international half -marathon “One Run”
Shusha at first stage will receive 1.5 thousand
United States is considering creating small nuclear reactors in Armenia
Ilham Aliyev: Baku supports signing of peace treaty with Yerevan
Pashinyan: Yerevan will leave CSTO if he considers her “incompetent organization”
GDP per capita in Russia approached record
Lavrov announced meeting on unlocking communications in South Caucasus
Ilham Aliyev: Armenia of Armenia forms new threats to region
Baku advocates normalization of relations with Yerevan – Foreign Minister
Further work on North -South -Yug -Lavrov corridor will soon be agreed upon
Armenian special services were arrested in Azerbaijan
Heads of diplomacy of Azerbaijan and EU discussed prospects of cooperation
Eurasian Development Bank hopes for accession of Turkey
Brussels: meeting of Aliyev, Michel and Pashinyan began
Brussels: meeting of Ilham Aliyev and Charles Michel began
Speaker of Azerbaijani parliament accused Yerevan of obstructing world in region
Baku was called to fight against heroization of Nazism and fascism
Azerbaijani deputies criticized Kylychdaroglu project project
Putin invited number of leaders to celebrations on occasion of 78th anniversary of Victory
Work of Mezamorsky nuclear power plant in Armenia was suspended until mid -July
Alain Simonyan: We should not miss historical chance for establishing Armenian-Turkish parliamentary dialogue
Kalyn: Türkiye could not help but react to monument to terrorists in Yerevan
Azerbaijani President: Shusha has never been native to Armenians in city
Türkiye closed sky for Armenia aircraft in response to provocation in Yerevan
Baku: 299 people have become victims in Azerbaijan since 2020
Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan and Armenia held negotiations in United States
Resident of Azerbaijan was blown up by mine laid by Armenian forces
Heads of Foreign Ministry of Armenia and Azerbaijan will hold negotiations in United States
Blinken conducted telephone conversations with Aliyev and Pashinyan
Azerbaijan Foreign Minister went on working visit to United States
Ilham Aliyev: Türkiye plays special role in unification of Turkic world
Ilham Aliyev: Türkiye is guarantor of peace and stability in region
Baku answered claims of Foreign Minister of France
President of Azerbaijan awarded distinguished Turkish athletes in Yerevan
Bayramov: Baku expects from Yerevan to return to negotiation process
Moscow: USA and EU failed an application for an honest broker between Baku and Yerevan
Ankara condemned discovery of monument “Nemesis” in Armenia
Baku: position of Yerevan prevents normalization between Azerbaijan and Armenia
At beginning of Lachin-Khankendi road, flag of Azerbaijan is raised at beginning of road
Barlas: Armenians’ statements in 1915 – largest lie of XX century
International Court suspended consideration of main claim of Armenia against Azerbaijan
Baku and Tbilisi deepen defense cooperation
Baku said statements of Paris on Lachinsky road unreasonable
Foreign Ministry: Türkiye honors memory of fallen diplomats